Can Regenerative Orthopedics Help Treat a Hip Injury?

Hip pain or injury severely affects your ability to move freely and participate in regular activities.  In recent years, regenerative orthopedics has emerged as a viable alternative to surgery.  At New You Medical in Broward County, Florida, we offer platelet-rich plasma and BMAC injections to qualified patients who suffer from hip injuries or chronic hip problems.

How Can We Use Regenerative Orthopedics to Treat Hip Injuries in Broward County?

Regenerative medicine is a new and innovative branch that uses the body’s healing powers to address injuries and chronic health conditions.  Treatments like platelet-rich plasma and BMAC injections can treat a wide range of conditions.  They are particularly useful for patients with hip, back, knee, shoulder, or ankle problems.

If you have an injury, arthritis, or another painful condition, come to the clinic.  We’ll evaluate your treatment site and determine which methods can help you regain your mobility.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is a substance derived from the patient’s blood.  As the name suggests, it contains a high concentration of platelets and growth factors.  When injected into the hip, PRP stimulates these growth factors, encouraging the production of new, healthy cells.  This speeds up healing, reduces pain, and allows the patient to experience greater mobility.

PRP treatment is minimally invasive and convenient.  It typically takes about 60 minutes, and patients can resume most of their regular activities shortly after the session.  The therapy involves extracting blood from a vein in your arm and spinning it in a centrifuge to isolate the PRP from the rest of the blood.  Then, the PRP is carefully injected under ultrasound guidance.

The BMAC Injection 

BMAC, or Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate treatment, involves collecting bone marrow aspirate and injecting it into the treatment area.  BMAC contains a high concentration of stem cells, which can develop into a wide variety of other cells.  They can become cartilage, ligament, tendon, or even bone tissue.

To get started, we perform a bone marrow aspiration.  This means that we extract bone marrow from your body with the help of an ultrasound and local anesthetic.  The tissue is then processed before it is injected into the affected area.  A BMAC injection takes about two hours, and you’ll need to visit the clinic several times for follow-up appointments.

How Long Do Regenerative Treatments Last? 

Usually, you can expect PRP results to last for six to eighteen months and BMAC results to last for two to five years.  However, it depends on your current health, lifestyle, and the reason you’re being treated.  If you have a short-term injury and seed a boost, you might experience permanent relief once your condition heals.  However, you may need booster injections of PRP if you suffer from a chronic hip condition.  The regenerative team at New You Medical can develop a customized treatment plan based on your situation.

Platelet-rich plasma and BMAC injections are innovative treatments that reduce pain, improve mobility, and speed up healing. Patients with hip problems are great candidates for either of these treatments.  Contact our team at New You Medical in Fort Lauderdale, FL, to book an appointment.

We look forward to helping you resolve your acute or chronic hip issue.
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